Cats Do Fall and Hurt Themselves from Railings and Balconies

The Khmer Times blows up one of the great cat myths -- "that they can balance themselves on the thinnest balcony rails and even if they do fall they just get up and walk away." Certainly this legend helps contribute to the universal belief that cats have 9 lives. Cats Do…

Catio Cats Live Longer Happier Lives

Average Cat Lives Catster surveyed 10 reputable websites to determine how long cats live. Many factors determine feline lifespan including, "Environment, maintenance, health, and whether the cat is spayed or neutered." The bottom line is that indoor cats live about three times as long as outdoor cats. Or 16.875 years…

Custom Catios Featured on 'Cat vs Dog' with Jackson Galaxy

We are very excited to post a highlight video of Custom Catios' appearance on Jackson Galaxy's latest show, “Cat vs. Dog.” While we wholeheartedly encourage everyone to watch the entire episode titled, “My Animals Are Going To Get Me Evicted," over at Animal Planet, we've uploaded a catio cut below. We've…

Book Review: 'Catification'

Catification: Designing a Happy and Stylish Home for Your Cat (and You!) is the 2014 New York Times bestselling book by "My Cat from Hell" star, Jackson Galaxy, and founder, Kate Benjamin. Despite the title, the authors rightly stress that Catification “is so much more than [a design book].”…

Video: Coyote Jumps 6 Foot Wall to Nab Pet Cat

Here is a really disturbing video of a coyote running through a backyard and leaping over a six foot wall with a dead cat in its mouth. The video is extremely graphic and not for the faint of heart. That said, it is important to educate the public about these…

5 Reasons Why So Many Cat Owners Are Investing in Catios

The Purrington Post recently published an informative article titled, "5 Reason Why So Many Cat Owners Are Investing in Catios. From the piece: Despite the fact that cats have been kept as pets for nearly 10,000 years now, they’ve still maintained many of the wild instincts they had pre-domestication. They long…

CBS News: Increasing Coyote Threat Prompts Pet Owners To Build 'Catios' For Protection

This clip is from the local CBS News in the Bay Area but is equally applicable to Los Angeles. Because of years of drought, generations of coyotes have moved down from the hills into neighborhoods. They have grown up in communities and do not know any other life. They are here…

Things That Could Hurt or Kill Your Cat by Catster

Catster has published a list of 9 things that could hurt or kill your cat. Unsurprisingly, most of the items on the list involve letting cats outdoors: All kinds of dangers lurk outdoors for cats. In her 30 years of feline practice, Dr. Eisen has seen her share of emergencies. Many of them…

Coyotes Attack Woman Trying To Defend Her Cat

Another terrifying story about coyotes attacking and killing a cat is being reported by the Santa Cruz Sentinel. This one is made all the worse because the cat's owner was also attacked trying to save her pet. Unfortunately the woman ended up undergoing rabies treatment after being bitten and scratched by…

Nearly 100 Outdoor Cats Die Early Deaths Every Month in Toronto

The Toronto Star reports that Toronto - a city that pales in size and population to Los Angeles - experiences nearly 100 cat deaths every month. The article goes on to state that predator deaths only make up a small portion of those deaths. Further, the awful high death count does not…