Should Cats Go Outside?

We at Custom Catios feel strongly that the answer is a big fat NO, but that's the question Camille Schake asks at Good Pet Parent (hat tip to the highly recommended Facebook group, Kitty Gardens, Catios, House Cats And Catification). The article admits that the question "stirs a lively debate" on both…

DIY Catification Expert

One of the great perks of building catios professionally is the amazing people we regularly meet. In addition to working with Jackson Galaxy, we have designed and built cat enclosures for a YouTube sensation, Hollywood director, and celebrity hair colorist, to name a few. This past week we lucked into…

Two Gigantic L.A. and Pasadena Cat Events Over Next Two Weekends!

Attention friends, family, clients, and cat lovers! There are two great local feline events over the next two weekends where we will have a booth and encourage you to attend. Please stop by, say hello, and speak the good word about Custom Catios! We will also have educational material on…

Catios Recommended by the American Association of Feline Practitioners

Indoor Living and Outdoor Roaming Both Bad for Cats Veterinarian Dr. Karen Shaw Brecker, whom we introduced last month, is back writing about catio life. In a recent article she discusses the problem with indoor only living and outdoor roaming: It’s often recommended that cats be kept indoors to keep…

Catio Cats Live Longer Happier Lives

Average Cat Lives Catster surveyed 10 reputable websites to determine how long cats live. Many factors determine feline lifespan including, "Environment, maintenance, health, and whether the cat is spayed or neutered." The bottom line is that indoor cats live about three times as long as outdoor cats. Or 16.875 years…

Curing Cat Boredom

With the New Year upon us we turn to Veterinarian Doctor Holly Woltz for some advice: A common enemy for cats is boredom... To keep your cat happy, curious, and in good physical and emotional health, consider a different play approach and different toys this Christmas. A climbing tree, perches…

Custom Catios Featured on 'Cat vs Dog' with Jackson Galaxy

We are very excited to post a highlight video of Custom Catios' appearance on Jackson Galaxy's latest show, “Cat vs. Dog.” While we wholeheartedly encourage everyone to watch the entire episode titled, “My Animals Are Going To Get Me Evicted," over at Animal Planet, we've uploaded a catio cut below. We've…

Cat Outhouse

This afternoon I was visiting a nice couple looking to build a catio in North Hills when I came across my first ever cat outhouse. The family has two indoor/outdoor cats that they are looking to move full time to indoor/catio. For now, the feline siblings do come inside at night. And should…

Cats Craving Catio

Winston (on the left): "Can we plz git katio!"

I Heart Cats: 5 Reasons to Keep Your Cat Indoors

Jennifer Nelson of I Heart Cats has an excellent article on why pet owners should keep their cats indoors. The piece begins with the heart-wrenching statistics on life span for outdoor versus indoor cats which we have often written about on the Custom Catios blog. According to Jennifer, outdoor cats…