VIDEO: The Spectacular Grove Tree Enclosure

Watch Gordy and Yusef frolicking in their new catio (cat patio) near Beverly Grove. The catio includes a covered area near the house, a sisal rope climbing pole, ramps, shelves, two cat doors, and a hiding box. Then there is amazing extra-wide run that leads from the house to a…

VIDEO: Cats Playing in Orange Tree Catio is Pawsome!

Orange Tree Catio Watch Hannah running, jumping, and playing with the kittens, Dottie and Trudy, in their new catio (cat patio) built around a hundred-year-old orange tree. The enclosure is connected to the house via a super long cat run that includes a sandbox / litter box at the midway…

Pawsome House of Nekko Cat Home

House of Nekko We recently toured the pawsome Peter J. Cohen House of Nekko home in Santa Barbara. Featured on Animal Planet and HouzzTV, among others, the home to 24 cats and two humans is amazing. With over 300 linear feet of cat runs and 16 tunnels connecting rooms, it…

Fantastic StyleCaster Catio Article Featuring Custom Catios!

StyleCaster StyleCaster recently published a beautiful and important article titled, "A Beginner's Guide to the Catio - Cat Patio - Trend," which features yours truly waxing on about treating cats better: Alan Breslauer, founder of Los Angeles-based Custom Catios, is trying to rectify a world that hasn’t figured out how to treat…

Interview With CatCafe Lounge Founder Kristi Labrenz Galvan

Cat Adoption Cafe Last week I visited L.A.'s CatCafe Lounge and was blown away by the concept. The place has a visually appealing setup geared towards cat stimulation and enrichment. Scores of gatos live happily together until they are adopted by Angelenos into forever homes. Amazingly, despite only opening its doors…

Cat Counselor and The Purrrcast Give Shout Out to Catio Guy

Catio Guy Shout Out The Cat Counselor, Cristin Coll, and The Purrrcast! hosts Steven and Sara discuss catios on their #184 podcast which dropped today. They also give a nice shout out to "Alan the Catio Guy," which can be heard on the shortened clip below. That said, the entire podcast…

Time-Lapse Video of Catio Enclosure Construction

It is difficult to convey the time, effort, craftsmanship, and expertise that goes into a Custom Catio cat enclosure. We use the best materials including redwood, high-end galvanized wire mesh, and bronze polygal. Our attention to detail includes painting interior shelves with artificial sand and covering ramps with outdoor industrial…

Catio Guy Featured on The Purrrcast Podcast

Thank you to Sara Iyer and Steven Ray Morris for interviewing me on the #166 episode of their popular cat themed podcast, The Purrrcast. It was a ton of fun to talk shop with two diehard cat experts for over an hour. The catio conversation begins about 12 minutes into…

Custom Catios Article in 'Sherman Oaks South' Magazine

Sherman Oaks South magazine has a nice write-up about my family and catio business in the October 2018 edition. It's also our first cover! From the article: Sherman Oaks South "Experts and cat behaviorists, from America's "Cat Daddy" Jackson Galaxy to the American Association of Feline Practitioners (veterinarians), stress that…

VIDEO: Portland Catio Tour Draws a Thousand People

Record Turnout for Catio Tour A ten catio tour in Portland, Oregon Saturday drew a thousand people according to a KATU2 News report. The video below, which is well worth watching, makes clear that catios protect both wildlife from cats and cats from many outdoor hazards. The tour is sponsored…