I Heart Cats: 5 Reasons to Keep Your Cat Indoors

Jennifer Nelson of I Heart Cats has an excellent article on why pet owners should keep their cats indoors. The piece begins with the heart-wrenching statistics on life span for outdoor versus indoor cats which we have often written about on the Custom Catios blog. According to Jennifer, outdoor cats…

Top 10 Catio Benefits - Safe Cats, Outdoor Litter Box...

It would be impossible to list all the benefits to investing in a catio, so we compiled a list of the Top 10 Benefits. Let us know if we missed any big ones and we will add them to the list. Protect Your Cats. Most outdoor cats eventually fall victim to cars,…

KRQE News 13: Catios Perfect Solution for Cats and Wildlife

This is an excellent news piece on the advantages of catios that dives deep into the havoc that cats cause the environment. According to an expert, cats merely being in the same vicinity as rabbits can be lethal. They also pose grave danger to frogs, birds and many other species. From…

Three Questions for Veterinarian Heather Napolitano

Catio Guy: Tell us a bit about your practice, Dr. Napolitano. Dr. Napolitano: I have a Los Angeles based small animal practice that specializes in cats and dogs. I developed a three pronged approach that I live by when practicing veterinarian medicine: 1. I make animals as comfortable as possible. Vet…

Catios Protect Cats from Coyotes and Raccoons

The outdoors are extremely dangerous for cats. Cars and predators are the main culprits that cause feline injury or death. As a result, indoor cats typically live more than three times as long as outdoor cats. Two quick catio owner stories evidence the risk of allowing cats outside. First, a…