Top 10 Catio Benefits - Safe Cats, Outdoor Litter Box...

It would be impossible to list all the benefits to investing in a catio, so we compiled a list of the Top 10 Benefits. Let us know if we missed any big ones and we will add them to the list. Protect Your Cats. Most outdoor cats eventually fall victim to cars,…

Domestic Cats Still Wild

A fascinating article in arsTechnica titled, "Cats are an extreme outlier among domestic animals," reinforces the long held human belief that cats are still a bit wild and untamable. From the article: People who live with cats like to joke about how these small fuzzy creatures are still wild, basically training…

Catios Protect Cats from Coyotes and Raccoons

The outdoors are extremely dangerous for cats. Cars and predators are the main culprits that cause feline injury or death. As a result, indoor cats typically live more than three times as long as outdoor cats. Two quick catio owner stories evidence the risk of allowing cats outside. First, a…